New nation requests

The following form is for all users that want to participate in our game but live in a nation that has not yet been set up.
We need 16 active users to open a new nation in the game. If you are interested in the game, please advertise Maxithlon in your nation so that other users will register. Once sixteen active users have registered, your nation will be added in a few weeks.
Nation: Select your country if you want to add it to the game. If the country is not in this list, probably it is already in the game.
Language: Select the language in which you prefer to be contacted.
Email: Insert your email address: we need it to contact you when we announce the addition of your nation. This way, you will be one of the first users to be informed.
Note: Use this field to add some notes. Please also use it to indicate if you'd like to participate in the process of creating and developing your nation in Maxithlon or if you'd like to help translate the game into your language.