Season 80 - Release Notes

(08:00 02-05-2021)
1. Enhancements

2 of our 4 recently announced potential features go live now, the Training retreat page and the National League filter on the Ranking page.

(a) New Training Retreat Page

If you are a Maxitrainer, you will now have the ability to send your athletes to the training retreat in a quicker way. On our new training retreat page, every athlete on the main team is listed, including age, Maxid, form and training retreat costs. For every athlete who hasn't already been to the training retreat, there is a checkbox. On the bottom of the page, you can see the total costs of your selection. Click the Send button, and the selected athletes are sent to the training retreat immediately.

(b) National League Filter on Ranking Page

We have now added a National League filter to the Ranking page. On the left you'll now see a dropdown menu where you can select the nation of the league system you are interested in. Once you have selected the league nation, a further dropdown menu appears where you can also select the league.

(c) Floodlights Needed for Application

From now on you will need floodlights to apply for hosting official meetings. The minimum amount of kWs depends on the meeting type and can be found in the guide.

2. Bug Fixing

(a) Arena Bugs

If you had a finished half steel cover and ordered a new expansion, the announced costs and time didn't match with costs and time you actually spent when you started your expansion. This has been fixed now. If you have such an erroneous expansion order running, you can contact us via the Contact us form, and we will cancel your order and give you your money back.

We also improved how we review your order. For example, if your order leads to an invalid combination of seats and cover, the ordered seats will be cut off at the maximum allowed value.

If you enter floodlights and/or a cover type into the expansion form, click on Work order and then on Another order, the system now remembers your initial order also for the floodlights and the cover.

(b) Number of Official Meetings in the Last 10 Weeks

We improved the calculation of the number of official meetings your athlete has taken part in. We now take the time of the next training update, subtract 10 weeks, and count the official meetings from that moment on. This way the number can decrease only at the training update. During the training week the number increases with every official meetings your athlete starts in. So, unlike before, you can see, directly after the training update, whether your athlete has enough participations in official meetings to avoid a fan loss at then next training update, or not.

(c) Small Bug Fixes

• We have fixed the bug that caused a wrong calculation of the points score for certain disciplines the last 2 seasons.

• For the calculation of the spectators in meetings, the number of fans of the hosting team is now calculated at the beginning of the meeting instead of using the number that was calculated at the last financial update.

• On the Training results page, if an athlete has a skill-up and a skill-down in the same week, they will now appear in the expected order.

The development team
Ned, Apolo, Claire_Grube, Guyvandamme, Foxelav, Jorginho