Combined Events - Part 2 (Season 66) - Release Notes

(08:00 25-08-2018)
The installation of this release is planned on Saturday 25th August, so it will be ready before the season change.

1. Combined Events

The main feature of this release is to introduce the combined events to the main team, i.e. National League and unofficial meetings. The introduction to the individual and club championships is planned for season 67.

A) Youth League

From now on the results of the combined events contribute to the final result.

B) National League

The combined events are now available in the National League meetings. Similar to the youth league last season the results will not contribute to the final result in the first season.

C) Unofficial Meetings

The combined events are also available in unofficial meetings. Here the results will contribute to the final result. For point-ranked meetings the average of the points of the events inside contributes to the final result.

D) Coaches

From now on you can hire combined-event coaches to train your combined-events athletes. We have increased the maximum number of main team coaches to 11.

The feature that coaches of other specialties can train combined-events athletes still works, but they don't train the specialty skills. Please be aware, that we might remove that feature sooner or later.

E) Athletes Limit

The athletes limit in the main squad has been increased to 66.

2. Bug Fixes and Small Enhancements

A) Specialty Changes of Old Athletes

Athletes, who entered the system via the start squad of a new user and never changed their specialty, were able to change their specialty even if they were older than 24 years. This changes--from now on:

New users can still change the specialty of their old athletes from their start squad, but only if the athlete is at most 10 weeks in the system. When such an old athlete is sold or fired, the specialty can't be changed anymore.

B) Individual Training Page

From now on every athlete on the Individual Training page has an individual Change button. This is to avoid problems by sending too much data. With this design change the temporary split between youth team and main team isn't necessary anymore.

C) Athlete's Performance Page

There will be now separate tables for youth and for main-team competitions that present the number of events for the last 4 seasons. So any predictions of the favorite event next season won't be disturbed by the youth-competiton results (which don't count for the favorite event) anymore.

D) Youth League Trophies

Maxitrainers can now see trophies for their successes in the youth league on their club's and their awards page.

E) Menu Items

The items of your club's menu on the left side have been rearranged. They are now grouped by general stuff, main team and youth team.

F) Translated Editor Tags

The tags in the text editor are now translatable. If you use an actively-managed language version other than English, you will see the hints now in your chosen language when you hover the cursor over the tag thumbnail.

The development team,

Ned, Apolo, Claire_Grube & Guyvandamme